
Hygiene Services

Commission / Cleaning

Laying the groundwork for successful water treatment is essential for LPHW and CHW systems. Dirt, debris, oils and grease from the construction stage will lead to fouling, blockages and loss of heat transfer later on if not properly chemically cleaned and flushed at high velocities. This is specialist work and should only be completed by experienced technicians in accordance with BSRIA standards. Immediately after cleaning and flushing has been completed the ongoing water treatment must start. Successful cleaning and ongoing treatment ensures long term efficient water systems.

Halpin and Hayward offer a full range of services to closed heating and chilled systems:

  • Water sampling, analysis and interpretation to diagnose problems and offer solutions.
  • Chemical clean and flushing in accordance with BSRIA standards BG 29/2012.
  • System treatment with inhibitors, biocides and glycol for ongoing protection.
  • We install automated control and dose treatment systems.
  • We use cyclone and magnetic filters during and after flushing to remove small particulate.
  • We install pretreatment and inline filters, strainers, magnetic filters and softeners for ongoing protection.
  • We provide routine service visits to sample, analyse and report on waterside conditions. Chemical and bacteriological analysis is done to give a complete overview of system condition.

Please contact us for further information or a quotation.