
Hygiene Services


Legionella risk evaluations make sure that water systems are properly analysed, allowing responsible organisations to come up with a management plan that works. Legionella risk evaluations are required by law in all sectors of the economy that depend on the usage of water systems, in addition to being good practise.

The Legionella Risk Assessment is the blueprint for a Legionella Control Program. It is a thorough survey of a premises water services from where it enters the building until it leaves. It considers the installation and operation of the water system, plant and equipment on site to assess the potential risk of Legionella or other bacteria growth and ensure compliance to current law and best practice. The risk assessment document is presented in a concise report including photographic evidence, schematics, asset register, temperature profile and remedial action logs to aid clients with closing out any recommendations made.

Legionella water testing is the responsibility of the duty holders / building owners / facility managers to provide a safe environment for staff, visitors, contractors and the general public within their own facility but also consider their impact on nearby buildings.

By locating the hazards, a legionella risk assessment can aid in the prevention of legionella pneumophila. After flowing for a certain amount of time, water outputs are checked for temperatures as part of the risk assessment. Also assessed are the cold and hot water storage facilities. Moreover, samples are gathered in high-risk sites such as cooling towers, jacuzzis, and other places where equipment emits a spray or mist. Analyses of water samples are submitted. The Legionella risk assessment is then documented in a report.

Halpin and Hayward Ltd offer a full range of services from Legionella Water Risk Assessment through to implementation of a Control Scheme to assist our clients in discharging their duties under current legislation such as Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, associated Irish Guidance and industry best practice. The prevailing guidance in Ireland is the HPSC (Health Protection Surveillance Centre) National Guidelines for the Control of Legionellosis in Ireland : 2009.

To achieve compliance for clients our process involves the following stages:

You can find more information on the current legislation and guidance at:



Call us today to discuss managing your Legionella obligations.